I need help for myself
These resources are designed to give you practical strategies to support your own wellbeing and understand yourself and your emotions. These resources can be used at any time and adapted to suit your own needs.
Affirmation Cards
These affirmation cards can be printed and used as part of a self-confidence building or mindfulness routine. There are also blank ones which you can print and write your own affirmations on.
Alert Card
You can download and print this alert card in case you feel in a crisis and don’t know how to communicate it to people to ask for help.
Calendar Template
This resource can be printed and used alongside the Joy Calendar guide.
Coping Strategies by Emotion
This resource offers coping strategies for a range of different emotions that you may be experiencing.
Crisis Card
You can download and print this crisis card which you can keep handy in case you need emergency support.
Easy Read: Alcohol
A resource produced in conjunction with Recovery Connections Middlesbrough to provide clear and accessible information about alcohol.
Easy Read: Anxiety
An easy read guide to explain anxiety, and how you can support yourself when you feel anxious.
Easy Read: Autism and Communication
This easy read guide has been produced with support from @AdamP_SEN_SLT to explain how autistic people may communicate differently to non-autistic people.
Easy Read: Autism and Emotions
This easy read guide has been produced with support from @AdamP_SEN_SLT to explain how autistic people may experience emotions.
Easy Read: Autism and Masking
This easy read guide has been produced with support from @AdamP_SEN_SLT to explain autistic masking.
Easy Read: Autism and Understanding Reality
This easy read guide has been produced with support from @AdamP_SEN_SLT to explain how autistic people may understand the distinction between fiction and non-fiction.
Easy Read: Cannabis
A resource produced in conjunction with Recovery Connections Middlesbrough to provide clear and accessible information about cannabis.
Easy Read: Happiness
This easy read guide explains what happiness is, and demonstrates what steps you can take to make time for happiness.
Easy Read: Ketamine
A resource produced in conjunction with Recovery Connections Middlesbrough to provide clear and accessible information about ketamine.
Easy Read: Nitrous Oxide
A resource produced in conjunction with Recovery Connections Middlesbrough to provide clear and accessible information about nitrous oxide.
Easy Read: Peer Pressure
A resource produced in conjunction with Recovery Connections Middlesbrough to provide clear and accessible information about peer pressure.
Easy Read: Sadness
This easy read guide explains what sadness is and what you can do to manage sadness.
Easy Read: Spice
A resource produced in conjunction with Recovery Connections Middlesbrough to provide clear and accessible information about spice.
Energy Accounting
Energy accounting is a system for managing your energy. It requires you to consider what gives you energy and what drains you of energy so that you can make sure you do not become too tired or worn out.
Gratitude Journalilng Guide
This how-to-guide supports shows you how to get started with gratitude journalling which is thought to boost mood.
Guide to Stimming for Autistic Individuals
This document is a guide for you to understand stimming. Stimming is a shorter way of saying self-regulatory behaviour. It’s important to identify what are common stims, and what to do if you feel unsupported when stimming.
Here to Help FAQ
Here you can find the most common questions that people have asked about the Here to Help Project.
Hope box guide
This is a short guide to create your own hope box, a resource to help self-soothing when in crisis.
Hope Boxes
A Hope Box contains a collection of items which aim to promote self-soothing in crisis. This is a short ‘How to Guide’ with materials and steps to create your own Hope box. Enjoy the activity and remember you can always modify to fit your needs.
Hope Map Guide
This is a step by step guide for an exercise to help you visualise your dreams and help you understand how to overcome barriers to realise these dreams.
How to Create a Hope Map
A Hope Map is designed to help you visualise your dreams and help you understand how to overcome barriers to realise these dreams. Here you can find a guide to create your own hope map.
How to Guide: Joy Calendar
A step by step guide which shows you how to create your own joy calendar.
Joy calendar
Joy calendar is an activity to help you plan out things that make you happy. A joy calendar allows us to make time for these activities to promote self-care and wellbeing.
Joy Journaling Prompts
This guide provides a list of prompts that you can pick to help you with your journaling. Journaling has proved to be a good activity to do for yourself to express some of your thoughts though writing.
Mental Health Support by Tees Valley Region
This resource provides information about what support is available in each Tees Valley region. The resource is broken down by region and age group.
Reasonable Adjustments Guide: Work
This guide explains what reasonable adjustments are, and provides suggestions for the types of reasonable adjustments you can ask for in the workplace.
Sleep Advice for Autistic Adults
In this resource, created in collaboration with Sleep Action, the best available evidence related to autism and sleep is summarised. Sleep tips which have been backed up by research and experience are also provided.
Sleep Advice for Autistic Teenagers
In this resource, created in collaboration with Sleep Action, the best available evidence related to autism and sleep for teenagers is summarised. Sleep tips which have been backed up by research and experience are also provided.
Sleep Advice for Parents and Carers of Autistic Teenagers
This resource is designed for the parents and carers of autistic teenagers In this resource, created in collaboration with Sleep Action, the best available evidence related to autism and sleep is summarised. Sleep tips which have been backed up by research and experience are also provided.
Sleep Tips Fact Sheet
In this resource, created in collaboration with Sleep Action, a list of helpful sleep tips are provided.
Strength Quiz
It has been shown that recognising our own strengths can boost our mental health and increase positivity. This quiz is designed to help you recognise your best qualities.
Apps to keep you well
We have put together a list of Apps that will help you improve your mental health