Introducing the Team- Part 4

I am Lynn- the Here to Help Project Officer at SJOG. My previous experience includes 20+ years at a Local Authority on projects service wide including organising events as well as an assessor of adult supported accommodation, working for the NHS as a social prescriber and in Private Healthcare as a contract officer.
At SJOG I spend my day planning and coordinating the here to help suicide prevention project – reaching out to professionals / families / and autistic people. Organising events and driving the magic space sensory bus, keeping the platform up to date with what’s going on in the area and creating helpful resources.
This project will hopefully start to plug the gap of support for autistic people to receive the help to “help themselves” by utilising our toolkits and understanding what guidance is available to them in the area they live. Living in the North East all my life I am aware of the statistics on suicide in this area so I am determined to deliver an excellent project with fantastic outcomes that will bring these statistics down.
I am currently working part time and am able to pursue further studying, I do this to keep my brain going! in the past I have completed a HNC in Building Studies, became a qualified Masseuse and I am currently completing NCFE in Autism; as well as being a mam to 2 boys, 1 dog and 2 cats!
I enjoy Pilates, baking, live comedy, the seaside in all weathers and watching serial killer documentaries